The Story of Tiddalik the Frog
A captivating tale of a greedy frog and the clever animals who restore balance to their world.
A captivating tale of a greedy frog and the clever animals who restore balance to their world.
Three little pigs outsmart a cunning wolf through perseverance and cleverness.
A timeless fable of perseverance and humility in an African forest.
A timeless tale of love and sacrifice.
A Brahmin learns a harsh lesson about jumping to conclusions when he mistakenly kills a loyal mongoose.
A jackal's journey from fear to wisdom, guided by curiosity and discernment.
A tale of unlikely friendship and the power of compassion.
A tale of wit and friendship in the face of danger.
The heroic adventures of Robin Hood and his Merry Men in Sherwood Forest.
The Test of Honesty: A Tale of Integrity from Ancient China
Elara's Quest: Unveiling the Mystical Heart of Farrance
Wisdom and Justice in the Reign of King Alfonso
Harnessing the Nile: A Young Dreamer's Journey to Save Ancient Egypt
Discover the transformative power of kindness in this heartwarming Persian tale of wisdom and generosity.